Richard sponsored by Lisa Mastain and Dottie Kelly

Tatiana sponsored by Bob and Tracy Bates

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Saturday, November 6, 2010


Richard is a ball of energy and attitude. I’m not gonna lie, he can be a lot to handle. He seems to get into scraps with other boys very easily, yet is well-liked by everyone. You can tell he kinda just likes to cause trouble. Overall though, still hugs me at the beginning of every class and always says goodbye. He’s really good at the jewellery class, learning new things really quickly and making things with such precision. He’s also one of the better baseball players of the group. His sister is Tatiana.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July - Richard!


Wow! What a summer we've had around here. We're spending more and more time in the club with the kids and they are certainly loving every minute of it! We've gone to opening the club 5 days a week and offering all sorts of new classes. We're so excited with the newest classes that we're offering, and the kids couldn't be more excited. We have more teachers, more topics, and more and more volunteers coming to visit us from all over. We're loving the summer season!
Here is a picture of Richard, just hanging out in the club one day. We love summer around here - happy seasons to you and yours!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tatiana - June!

We're halfway through summer, and it's flying by! We can't believe how fast it's going by you know what they say, time flys when you're having fun! We're so excited with what the summer is bringing and the kids are loving how much time they're getting to spend with us at the club. This summer couldn't be more perfect! Pictured here is Tatiana - on the left - with one of her friends just hanging out one day at the club. They were having such a great time. We love summer!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010